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תורה  נביאים  וכתובים

תרגום  אונקלוס

Pentateuchi textus Hebraeo-Samaritanus (Gall)



Graece Novum Testamentum

Ἡ καινὴ διαθήκη (Bagster’s Critical New Testament)

The New Testament in the original Greek (Westcott & Hort)

Ἡ καινὴ διαθήκη (Scrivener)

Ἡ καινὴ διαθήκη (Eberhard Nestle)

Codex Vaticanus. Novum Testamentum Graece

Vetus Latina. Codex Colbertinus



Syriac Sinaitic

Peshitta. Vetus Testamentum

Peshitta. Novum Testamentum

Palestinian Syriac

Coptic Vetus Testamentum

Coptic Novum Testamentum

Aethiopic Vetus Testamentum

Evangelia (Aethiopic et Amharic)

הברית  החדשה  (Richmond)

הברית  החדשה  (Delitzsch)

הברית  החדשה  (Salkinson)

Biblia Hebraica. Ad optimas editiones imprimis Everardi van der Hooght acurate recensa et expressa. Curavit argumentique notationem et indices nec non clavem Masorethicam addidit Car. Godofr. Guilielmus Theile. Editio stereotypa quinta. Lipsiae: Ex officina Bernhardi Tauchnitz, 1878.

Septuaginta: Id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes. Edidit Alfred Rahlfs. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1979.

The Text of Jeremiah, or A Critical Investigation of the Greek and Hebrew, with the variations in the LXX. Retranslated into the original and explained. By George Coulson Workman. Edinburgh: Clark, 1889.

The Witness of the Vulgate, Peshtta and Septuagint to the Text of Zephaniah. By Sidney Zandstra. New York: Columbia University Press, 1909.

The Book of Tobit: a Chaldee text from a unique MS. in the Bodleian library. With other rabbinical texts, English translations and the Itala. Edited by Ad. Neubauer. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1878.

The Wisdom of Ben Sira: portions of the Book Ecclesiasticus from Hebrew manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah collection. By S. Schechter and C. Taylor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1899.

The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus (XXXIX. 15 to XLIX. 11). Together with the Early Versions and an English translation. Followed by the Quotations from Ben Sira in Rabbinical Litarature. Edited by A. E. Cowley and A. Neubauer. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897.

The Hebrew Text of the Book of Ecclesiasticus. Edited by Israel Lévi. // Semitic Study Series 3. Leiden: Brill, 1904.

The Originality of the Hebrew Text of Ben Sira in the light of the Vocabulary and the Versions. By W. R. Taylor. Toronto, 1910.

Esdra Propheta. Edidit G. Volkmar. Tübingen: Fues, 1863.

The Apocalypse of Ezra (II Esdras III–XIV). Translated from the Syriac Text, with brief annotations by G. H. Box. London: Clay and Sons, 1917.

The Missing Fragment of the Latin Translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra. Edited by Robert L. Bensly. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1875.

The Fourth Book of Ezra. The Latin version edited from the MSS by the late Robert L. Bensly. // Texts and Studies 3.2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1895.

The Targum of Onkelos to Genesis. A Critical Enquiry into the value of the text exhibited by Yemen MSS. By Henry Barnstein. London: David Nutt, 1896.

Targum Jonathan to the Prophets. By Pinkhos Churgin. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1907.

Heller Ch. A Critical Essay on the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch. New York: Alpha Press,1921.

Der Hebräische Pentateuch der Samaritaner. Herausgegeben von August Freiherrn von Gall. Berlin: Alfred Töpelmann Verlag, 1966.

Liber Geneseos secundum Arabicam Pentateuchi Samaritani Versionem. Edidit T. G. J. Juynboll et A. Kuenen. Leiden: Brill, 1851.

Libri Exodi et Levitici secundum Arabicam Pentateuchi Samaritani Versionem. Edidit A. Kuenen. Leiden: Brill, 1854.

Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt sive veterum interpretum graecorum in totum Vetus Testamentum fragmenta. By Fr. Field. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1875.

Die fünf Megilloth, nebst dem syrischen Thargum genannt “Peschito”. Von Adolf Hübsch. Prag, 1866.

Die Peschitta zu Schir-Haschirim textkritisch und in ihrem Verhältnisse zu MT. und LXX untersucht. Von Jakob Meïr Salkind. Leiden: Brill, 1905.

The Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament. New York: Hinds and Noble, 1897.

Bibliorum Sacrorum Graecus Codex Vaticanus. Collatis studiis Caroli Vercellone Sodalis Barnabitae et Iosephi Cozza Monachi Basiliani editus. Romae: Typis et Impensis S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1868.

Codex Vaticanus. Ἡ καινὴ διαθήκη. Novum Testamentum Graece. Edidit Angelus Maius. New York: Appleton and Co, 1859.

Ἡ καινὴ διαθήκη. Novum Testamentum. Textus Stephanici A.D. 1550, cum variis lectionibus editionum Bezae, Elezeviri, Lachmanni, Tischendorfii, Tregellesii, Westcott-Hortii, versionis Anglicanae emendatorum, curante F. H. A. Scrivener. Canbridge: Bell and Sons, 1887.

Evangelium secundum Matthaeum ex versione Aethiopici interpretis in Bibliis polyglottis Anglicanis editum, cum Graeco ipsius fonte studiose contulit atque plurimis tam exegeticis quam philologicis observationibus textum partim, partim versionem illustravit auctor Christophorus Augustus Bode. Magdeburg: Libraria Baveriana, 1749.

Notes, critical and explanatory, on the Greek Text of Paul’s Epistles. Text of Tischendorf with a constant comparison of the Text of Westcott and Hort. By James Robinson Boise. New York: Silver, Burdett and Co, 1896.

Codex Colbertinus Parisiensis. Quatuor Evangelia. Edidit J. Belsheim. Kristiania: Cammermeyer, 1888.

Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis. Ex tribus editionibus Clementinis critice descripsit, dispositionibus logicis et notis exegeticis illustravit, appendice lectionum Hebraicarum et Graecarum auxit P. Michael Hetzenauer. Ratisbonae et Romae: Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, 1914.

The Old Syriac Gospels, or Evangelion da-Mepharreshê: being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest, including the latest additions and emendations, with the variants of the Curetonian text, corroborations from many other MSS, and a list of quotations from ancient authors. Edited by Agnes Smith Lewis. London: Williams and Norgate, 1910.

A Critical Examination of the Peshitta Version of the Book of Ezra. Edited by C. A. Hawley. New York: Columbia University Press, 1922.

An Apparatus Criticus to Chronicles in the Peshitta Version. With a discussion of the value of the Codex Ambrosianus. Edited by W. E. Barnes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1897.

The Palestinian Syriac Version of the Holy Scriptures. Four Recently Discovered Portions. (Together with verses from the Psalms and the Gospel of St. Luke). Edited by G. Margoliouth. London: Society of Biblical Archaeology, 1897.

Palestinian Syriac Texts from Palimpsest Fragments in the Taylor-Schechter Collection. Edited by A. S. Lewis and M. D. Gibson. London: Clay and Sons, 1900.

Remnants of the Later Syriac versions of the Bible. In two parts. Edited by John Gwynn. London: Williams and Norgate, 1909.

Biblia Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica, in quinque tomos distributa, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Augustus Dillmann. 2 vols. (in 3 parts). Leipzig: Vogelius, 1853–1871; [vols. 3–4 were never published;] Veteris Testamenti Aethiopici tomus quintus, quo continentur libri apocryphi, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Augustus Dillmann. Berlin: Asher, 1894.

Evangelia sacra domini nostri et salvatoris Jesu Christi: Aethiopice et Amharice. Basel: Spittler, 1874.

ברית חדשה על פי משיח   Edited Legh Richmond. London: MacIntosh, 1817.

Псалтырь 1983 г. в переводе Аврамия Фирсова. Москва: Языки славянских культур, 2006.